We prepare special menus for groups.

Le Grotte del Funaro is a large restaurant that consists of 3 large rooms, with a total capacity of about 130 people. Our menus are always prepared with the utmost care, and we always choose top-quality products.

Groups coming by bus can (subject to local municipal authorization) arrive at the Campo della Fiera park lane for loading and unloading operations, then, take the escalators or the elevators of Ripa Medici and arrive at the restaurant in just a few minutes feet.

For more information contact us by e-mail at info@grottedelfunaro.it or use the following form

Inserire il numero di partecipanti, minimo 20 persone. Non inviare richiesta per individuale. Insert a minimum of 20 people. Do not use this form for individuals requests
es. 20:30
Groups 17 October 2016